Hello there
Hi! I’m Raychel, a Minnesota native, with a love for animals, homesteading, and being outdoors! My husband, daughter and I live in a tiny home (200 sq. feet) on a 6th Generation Family farm, and we are in the process of building a Grain Bin Home! I'm so happy your here as we share our journey of farm life chaos, joy and the never ending project list.
"Your crazy" were the exact words my now husband, said when I wanted to have our wedding on his 6th Generation Family Farm, in a poleshed, that was filled to the brim with decades of junk and farming machinery.
Now looking back 6 years ago to where it all started, I can't believe he listened to me and still wanted to marry me. We have worked extremely hard to get the farm to where it is at today and looking back makes me so happy that we didn't throw in the towel and give up.
Before we started cleaning up, this was where we intended to park the tiny home. Being a generational farm, there have always been multiple homes and families living on the property.
The old trailer was in a cow pasture, and the door was left open and cows got into the trailer one night and destroyed a lot of the trailer and items in it.
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